Thursday, January 19, 2017

small world

I went up to the admin building to use the wifi and met Ruata in the faculty office area.  Turns out he finished his ThD at Columbia Seminary in Decatur in 2013.  I remember hearing about him the last time I was here, but I don't think we actually met.  He is head of the counseling certificate program. Since I had never heard of this seminary, I wondered if I didn't understand the folks that I was speaking to (that happens a lot). No surprise that I hadn't heard of it: it is quite small and under the Presbyterian Church USA.  There are 350 students and 30 faculty, and they serve the international community of Presbyterians world-wide, including Korea and India. (In spite of the PCUSA position, most Koreans and Mizos strongly support the state of Israel and the Jewish people.)
Ruata has two children still attending college in the Atlanta area.  His family’s experience in coming to Georgia has made them the most hospitable of people.  Basically they arrived to Decatur in the middle of the night to an empty apartment; no furniture, no food, no transportation.  They have kindly invited me to come to dinner every single night, if I like, and to bring me whatever I need from the city.  He has advocated for me in getting what I need (and some of what I don’t need) for my apartment.
He and his wife Nutei had a third child who took his own life in February 2016.  They have recently opened a crisis center in Aizawl city, where Nutei works every day from 9 to 5.  She shared a great deal of her experience, how in her prayers it seems like the Father was already preparing her for some event, how He has comforted her in the grieving process.  This loss still occupies a great deal of their thoughts and conversation.  I don't know any more to do than to weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).

I appreciate your prayers on their behalf of their complete healing.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have found each other. I know it is helpful for both of you. I will be praying for them, such a hard thing.
