For some reason, I have found favor at the Aizawl Theological College in Mizoram, India. Everyone in Mizoram is a Christian, a result of the Welsh revival in the early 1900's. Most of them are Presbyterians. The faculty is looking for help teaching Hebrew and understanding the Hebraic view of the Scriptures.
However, there are two negative factors: 1) the churches are being crushed by the weight of theology. Often the homilies do not mention scripture. Rather, they are about theological precepts. 2) they have a very negative view of Hebrew roots. This is due to the mass conversions of believers in both Mizoram and Manipur (neighboring province) to Judaism by Israeli rabbis who are looking for lost tribe members. The conversion affords these local people the chance to make aliyah, but at what cost?
I will be writing more about these situations. In the meantime, I appreciate your prayers, as I am going to be at the end of nowhere for about two months.